PASTE 2007 Call for Contributions 7th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering June 13-14, 2007 (co-located with PLDI 2007, part of FCRC 2007) PASTE is soliciting research papers and research-group presentations, each described in more detail below. PASTE 2007 is the seventh workshop in a series that brings together the program analysis, software tools, and software engineering communities to focus on applications of program analysis techniques in software tools. PASTE 2007 will provide a forum for the presentation of exciting research, empirical results, and new directions in areas including (but not limited to): * program analysis for program understanding, debugging, testing, and reverse engineering * integration of program analysis into programming environments * user interfaces for software tools and software visualization * applications of program slicing, model checking, and other program analysis techniques * analysis of program execution or program evolution * integration of, or tradeoffs between, different analysis techniques * issues in scaling analyses and user interfaces to deal with large systems PASTE will be a true workshop, with research presentations, organized discussions, an opportunity for all attendees to make short presentations, and ample time for debate. Research papers: We are soliciting short (6-page limit) research papers that describe ongoing research or new results. Papers should be formatted using the ACM SIG templates, and, including figures and references, should not exceed the page limit. Accepted papers will be published by ACM. The program committee will select papers based on technical quality, relevance to the PASTE community, and ability to inspire new research. Research-Group Presentations: We are soliciting group presentations describing a body of work relevant to PASTE. Groups should submit an overview of a one-hour presentation; this overview should not exceed 2 pages. A group presentation may describe past (retrospective), present (ongoing), or future (agenda) work or a combination thereof. One model we encourage is a short introduction by a faculty member followed by 3-4 student presentations that reinforce a theme. Selected presentations will have the option of including a 2-page abstract in the published proceedings. The program committee will select presentations based on relevance, timeliness, and a coherent theme. The committee will prefer presentations that will spark discussion and be accessible to the entire PASTE community. Because these presentations are new, we encourage interested groups to send questions and ideas to the co-chairs. Important dates: Submission deadline: Wednesday February 7, 2007, 11:59PM Samoan Time (firm) Author notification: Saturday March 10, 2007 Camera-ready copy due: April 2, 2007 Workshop: June 13-14, 2007 Program committee: Manuvir Das (co-chair) Microsoft Center for Software Excellence Harald Gall University of Zurich Dan Grossman (co-chair) University of Washington Laurie Hendren McGill University Ranjit Jhala University of California, San Diego Ben Liblit University of Wisconsin-Madison Gail Murphy University of British Columbia Radu Rugina Cornell University